Why these skills are important
Co-Dependency – 1, & Love boundaries - Treating and Healing co-dependency issues specifically around substance misuse, Narcissism, Various Disorders. We will be exploring and dealing with the fall-out felt from a mentally ill parent, or abnormal and abusive relationship. Taking care of yourself. Building Stronger relationships
The Convergence College model has been developed through the first hand experience of the tutor living with a mentally ill Parent and associated co-dependent peer and client material. This will help counsellors and sufferers to find new understanding and direction for life with real boundaries. We will help find the way of safety in 'being' where previously it was unsafe, due to abuse, even if it was unintentional by ignorant but loving, misinformed, or selfish parent/s.
“We help you to find new boundaries and safety to bring to any relationship or situation. We help co-dependents learn to love themselves and begin to take care of themselves in a healthy way.”
Is this seminar for you?
This Seminar has been offered to help those in Co-dependent relationships or in sufferers lives which are marred by co-dependency, where we will bring help to change difficult situations once and for all. It will help those sufferers to find safety where previously there was none. Helping people to take care of themselves is useful to anyone in the caring professions where the majority of co-dependents are 'acting out' this strange phenomenon in their everyday lives. It is prevalent within the NHS, Nursing, Caring, Counselling or Psychotherapy, or those who are involved in Pastoral, Spiritual leadership, Mentoring, Teaching or in a simple Guidance role.
What you will gain from the day:
Learn to uncover why most Professionals are Co-dependents. And why they are often oblivious of this phenomenon. And how to get the help required fast.
Also find the root cause for sufferers of Co-Dependency and bring more safety within abusive relationships, or help stop this recurring as much in new situations.
Learn to understand the Convergence method & learn about boundaries to help become more aware of our brain's processing in this area.
Convergence material that may help you with new skills to give counselling to others in this whole area of co-dependency through their unconscious 'acting out' of these unsafe co-dependent ways of being.
Sufferers may find more confidence through the revealing ways that co-dependency works out in every day lives and make us unsafe or hard to be around. It can also mean being taken advantage of and being attracted to other abusive relationships
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