Why these skills are important
Most people have difficulty accessing some of their emotions, yet strangely are also unaware of this problem until it is highlighted in some way. Much is hidden in the unconscious and when we either comfort eat, driven unconsciously to eat and or feel unsatisfied and eat as a urge that is out of control then something is underlying. In the Seminar we will seek to find ways of enabling counsellors to help clients access and sit with these feelings and not be in denial of them, finding awareness and solutions.
Convergence College model has been developed through the pioneer work of others trying to get to the heart of the matter in Eating Disorders, exploration & the latest scientific data. This Seminar will focus on core issues and co-dependency together with brief solution therapies. Therapy intervention will work responsibly and reliably due to intervention in the root causes by attempting to identify the core issues at the heart of the matter. Explored in practice and born out in a therapeutic setting to be the correct and only way to deal with these eating patterns.
“Who wants to recover? It took me years to get that tiny. I wasn’t sick; I was strong.”
Is this seminar for you?
The seminar addresses obesity, comfort eating, oral fixations, angry eating, anorexia, bullimia, little known Effects of Dieting and Mental health. Eating signs of depression , Disguising sexuality due to abuse. Friday -
What you will gain from the day:
Learn to understand the core issues around Eating Disorders understand .................
Convergence material that help you to psychologically hold a client through their eating issues & understanding of the workings of their unconscious minds.
Finding more confidence through a reliable method for understanding the reasons people cant stop eating and how to work through their denial.
Body Dismorphic Sufferer
Workshop Sign-up