Chaos or Calm? — Convergence College

Chaotic Client & Self - Seminar - 1.  How to deal with a Chaotic Client or to learn how to calm yourself too

If you are a student or your work involves advising, treating or counselling disturbed or distressed people, this seminar dealing with Chaotic Clients & Self could be the most important you ever attend. It will help you psychologically to see and hold your clients. Packing the original course of 6 x weeks into just one day.

BOOK: There is now a book CHAOTIC CLIENT & SELF by Dr George Booty selling on Amazon.

This day explodes many of the myths which still abound in the field of counselling and gives you new insights from skills-based research and brain science which will make your work not only more reliably effective but also more satisfying.  The Convergence College model has been developed through the pioneer work of George Booty and others in the field getting to the heart of the matter & we offer you the latest feedback. 

Convergence offer this Seminar which is utilised by the well known successful front line not-for-profit company operating locally called 'NEWSTART Drop-In & Counselling Service Limited’, where the general public may access a brief therapy approach and this is more cost-effective than drugs or long-term Counselling & Psychotherapy for treating a whole range of distress, including: anxiety, trauma, depression, panic attacks, sexual problems, compulsive behaviour (OCD), and many other issues, as well as helping survivors of abusive relationships or traumatic events.

Foundations in Counselling highlights how to deal with CHAOTIC CLIENTS and how to calm your inner SELF too. Learn how to cope in many difficult circumstances - essential life skills - effective & empowering.

Is this seminar for you?

This Seminar has been developed for people who are time limited and therefore wish to fast track and just complete the original 6 week course in one day, which you may now do at ‘Convergence ONLINE’. It is for professionals or new students on Placement training and for those who are carers in any profession. We have now opened this training as a Seminar on campus and also more recently ONLINE, which will be ideal for partners, or anyone in the NHS, Nursing, Caring, Counselling or Psychotherapy, or those who are involved in Pastoral, Spiritual leadership, Mentoring, Teaching or a simple Guidance role and anyone else with an interest in this Convergence approach to a modern understanding of Counselling & Psychotherapy from a transpersonal position as we seek to integrate a sense of spiritual wholeness teaching.


What you will gain from the day:

  • Information (that no one else has given you) to make you more effective in your work - the day after attending this seminar!

  • You can save yourself years of wasted effort by knowing about the major myths that continue to make much counselling ineffective

  • The core counselling skills of brief therapy that really make a difference fast - even with 'stuck' clients

  • Knowledge of how to avoid harming people in counselling (as many people unwittingly do).

  • A new understanding of the revolutionary Convergence Psychotherapy approach to counselling and psychotherapy and how it can make you more effective if you work in these fields.





Seminar Counselling-Psychotherapy–1  - 'Chaotic Client & Self' .  #  There is now a book covering this complete experiential topic, Chaotic Client & Self by Dr George Booty (Booty’s Hints & Tips). which is very useful for new or mature placement studentand existing counsellors and psychotherapists. It was originally a 6 x Week 'Chaotic Client & self' Course, but it has been condensed down to a One Day Certificated Course / Seminar.  Basic Experiential Counselling Skills.  Defining Classic Counselling & Psychotherapy, Learning how one deals with Love / Unconditional Positive Regard. Brief Therapies, Integrating and getting in touch with one’s Spirituality, Convergence Induction healing, Re-framing / Rehearsal. Brief Therapies, CBT, Depression, Trauma, Brief look at Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Please simply email us for more details.  

NOTE: 'Early Bird' Low prices available at ‘Convergence ONLINE’ ! 

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